More alarming news. Three security guards were “chopped up like meat” with machetes at a condominium in Cheras.
Four security guards were on duty at Vistaria Residency condominium when two armed men wearing motorcycle helmets attacked the guards . One of them escaped unhurt. According to resident association chairman Bruce Tan, this was not the first attack on the guards in the past month.
“The previous attack was not so serious. They only punched a guard and broke the window.
“The attack this time was so horrifying. I watched the CCTV recording and saw the guards being chopped like they were meat,” he said.
One of the residents came from from buying breakfast, witnessed the gruesome sight of the three guards lying in a pool of blood in the lift lobby.
“When I came back, I noticed the windows of the guardhouse was smashed. I wanted to park my car but a guard told me to run away because there were thieves in the compound,” said the resident, who declined to be named.
City CID chief Senior Asst Comm Datuk Ku Chin Wah said the victims were in stable condition.