So, about a month or so back we shared photos of Sarah Stage, who was 8 months pregnant at the time and she made headlines for looking incredibly fit during her last trimester of pregnancy. Not just that, she also had pregnancy abs and had ladies who were knocked up everywhere, green with envy.
Of course, there were those who loved hating on her but it was confirmed that she gave birth to a healthy 8-plus pound baby boy named James. It just goes to show that Stage really looked after herself really, really well during her pregnancy because the baby came out big and healthy.
We’re not saying that all women should aspire to have pregnancy abs but we shouldn’t shun Stage for having them that’s for sure. All women that carry life in them should be applauded and are absolute superstars. Carrying life in you is not an easy task to go through, especially for an entire 9 months. But all women who brings life into this world deserves all the respect they can get and we should all bow down to them. Stage is no exception. And just look at that gorgeous robe, I would like one for myself, please!
