One of the most difficult tasks in life is finding yourself and figuring out what you really want in life. It’s not something that you can do within minutes because it takes a lot of time, self-reflection, patience and emotional effort. Sometimes life has a way of giving us a cold hard backhand slap and that’s when we usually feel the most lost but are forced to find ourselves in order to function at our best again.
Usually finding ourselves come hand in hand with learning from the lessons life has given us, even if that particular lesson is a hard one. But once you do learn these lessons, everything becomes easier and clearer. Here are some of the things you can do to help you find yourself:

Perfection doesn’t exist — There is just no such thing as perfect. Nothing and nobody is perfect. If you have been striving all your life to be that then you are just wasting your time. Everybody has flaws, including yourself, so learn to accept them and you will find yourself in a happier state of mind. Don’t be scared to be as real as you can be.
Use others as a learning tool — Yes, it’s pretty easy to be inspired by people with good traits but try learning from those that posses undesirable qualities. This can only help you improve the kind of person that you are and shape yourself into the kind of human being you can be proud of.

Connect with yourself — This is such an important thing to do. You need to spend a lot of “me” time in order to get all your emotional, physical and mental needs in check. Learn to slow down and figure out what you soul really needs and love yourself enough to understand when you need to just stop to take a break from the busy life you lead. Too much can sometimes be very bad for you. So, take a chill pill, breathe and just appreciate all the blessings in your life.

Selfish is not necessarily bad — A lot of the time, we are so focused on pleasing other people like our bosses, family members or our partners that we forget completely about our own needs. Neglecting yourself is never a good thing and if you can find a way to balance selflessness and selfishness then you’re golden! Remember that in the end, if all else fails, you have only got yourself to rely on.
Learn to accept — There are just some things that are not within your control. Trying to control everything will only stress you out and try your best to stop expecting people to be how you want them to be. Yes, it is easier to accept the things that agree with you but what you need to work on is accepting the hard stuff like people who challenge you or things that don’t go your way.