Let’s face it, we’re all so accustomed with social media that we don’t even bother thinking twice before posting something. To be honest, most of the stuff we post online are pretty harmless like, photos from grandma’s birthday bash, links to the latest viral YouTube clip and so on, but what about all the other stuff that makes people cringe?
To help you out, here is a list of things you probably should rethink about before hitting that post button:
Relationship issues – Believe it or not, it’s a lot more awkward thank you think for people like your family and friends to read Facebook updates on the current status of your relationship. It is understandable to want to vent when you and your partner are going through a rough patch, but why not try buying your best friend a glass of wine and talk it out face-to-face instead of posting it on Twitter?

Half-naked/nude pictures – Seriously, I see this all the time on Instagram and sometimes even Facebook – it’s gross. Some girls think it’s flattering to caption how hot the weather is but manages to conveniently squeeze in their rounded butt into the picture. Have some self worth and know that, the weather has nothing to do with your butt, my dear.
Pictures of “living life” – Are you trying to live by Wiz Khalifa’s words in his song, “Young, Wild & Free” because if you are that’s totally fine but there really isn’t a need for you to post a picture of you smoking a joint on social media. You might not care if your parents see it but what if the picture magically gets seen by law enforcement? Would you care then?

Job bashing – Believe it or not, some people have gotten fired over their raging rant about their jobs on Facebook. It’s okay to post about having Monday blues and being glad that the work week is over but you might want to hold off on talking smack about your colleagues or your boss on Facebook. Even if your profile is on private, someone might say something and land you into the kind of trouble you could do without.
Private things – Things like how much money you have, how heavy your menstrual flow is and such, should really stay private. No one wants to know what private things you and your beau just did, we can kind of guess thanks to the photo you just posted.