Breakups are the worst. Even if they are mutual and amicable ones, they still sting a little if not a lot. There are loads of things that you should do when going through this hell-ish ordeal, like, spend more time with your friends, catch up on your hobby, finish that book that you’ve been meaning to for years and all sorts.
But when it’s time to mourn the end of a relationship, there are also some things you really shouldn’t do:
Pretend you’re more than fine – You’re going through a breakup and it’s the end of something that was close to your heart. Something you invested a lot of time and emotions into, so it’s okay for you to cry and write about how sad you’re feeling. Try and have the kind of company that are willing to listen. We’re not saying you should cry at work, but you have some time to reflect on yourself and on what went wrong. It’s better to express your emotions than just be numb about it.

Trying to be friends with your ex – It’s too soon. It’s very rare for two exes to be able to remain good friends after a breakup. It can happen and some are better off being friends than lovers but you really shouldn’t force yourself to be pals with your ex until you’re okay with the idea of him dating someone else. Create some space between the two of you before deciding on a friendship. You need time to mourn this relationship and him.
Plot a revenge plan – As much as you would like to think it, your life is not the movies. Everything is a lot more exaggerated and sugarcoated in films, so do not plot a revenge plan. If he has done you wrong, let karma deal with him. It doesn’t matter if he left for you for someone else. Let him be the bad guy and don’t take things into your own hands and end up looking like the super-psycho ex girlfriend!

Stay in touch – You just broke up last week, do you really think it’s a good idea for you and him to be communicating right now? This can only end up in one place and that’s the bedroom. This can only end in one way and that’s worse than how it ended initially. The only time you two should be communicating is to decide on when and how to return each other’s things. Resist contacting him and give yourself some time to adapt to this newly found single life.
Sleep together – This is worse than communicating with him. You will regret this. He will regret this. Doing something like this is more damaging to your recovery than it is beneficial.