Nothing feels quite as bad as going through a breakup. Okay, there are some things that are worse but getting your heart broken seriously is one of the most horrible feelings in the world. As much as you want to, it’s impossible to just forget about that ache.
Until you eventually heal, which you will believe it or not, the process itself is brutal. It’s a painful ordeal that you just have to get over and suffer through.
Lord knows that I have been through my share of heartbreaks, so if you are going through something like this right now, I hope these tips will make it somewhat easier:

Feel it all – You’re hurting and it feels as though there is a big empty space in your heart but feeling the pain, no matter how bad it is, will help your moving on process. Don’t distract yourself from feeling it because the sooner you deal with the heartache, the faster you will get over it.
Trust love – When you are down and out, it’s very easy to convince yourself that you may never find the kind of love that you just lost. But have faith because you will find love again and it always gets better than the last one, never worse. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself, instead allow yourself to heal, no matter how long it takes.
Let it go – As annoying as it may sound, there’s a reason why things happened. For example, things didn’t work out because the two of you are not meant to be. There is someone else that you belong with and you are yet to meet him. So, accept what happened instead of trying to cling on to something that wasn’t meant to be.

Spend time with yourself – When you’re done crying and accepting what happened, use all that newfound energy and time by doing things that you never could when in a relationship. Treat yourself to a massage, go shopping, hang out with old friends, get a new vibrator if you have to. Whatever it is, spend time with yourself.
Learn from it – It’s very easy to blame your ex or even yourself for what happened but try your hardest not to fall into that trap. By pointing the finger, it will not benefit your healing process. Accept the fact that some bad things just happen to make way for good things. Learn from what went wrong instead of dwelling over why it went wrong.