Clean eating doesn’t always have to mean boring meals. It simply means finding out what kind of food is the best for your body and refreshing your diet. If you combine regular exercising with a habit of clean eating, you can expect the healthiest of yourself each day.
If you’ve made it a resolution this year to be eat better and live better, here are some tips for you to go by:
Cut down on processed food – If you’re looking to eat healthier, you might want to cut back on the processed food because they are packed with sugar, fat and sodium. Another thing you can do if you’re planning on buying packaged food, look at the ingredients. If you can’t pronounce it then you should probably steer clear of it!

Have a big amount of veggies – You’ve heard it from your parents, “vegetables are good for you!” They weren’t lying when they said that because vegetables are packed with all sorts of goodness like vitamin A, which is great for your immune system and sight! They also have vitamin K in them that helps keep your bones healthy. They’re also low in calories and have plenty of fiber, which keeps you feeling full for a long time. You don’t even have to cook them, you can just wash and eat away!
Cook your own food – The best thing about preparing your own meal is the fact that you can keep a close eye on what goes into it. You can control how much of something is being put into your breakfast, lunch or dinner. There are plenty of healthy recipes that are simple enough to cook up for you to get started with!

Snack healthier – Just because you want to eat clean and refresh your diet, doesn’t mean you have to cut out on snacking completely. Snacking doesn’t have to be unhealthy. Dip some cut up veggies into hummus or home-made dip that isn’t processed or artificial. If what you’re craving is something sweet then munch on a piece of fruit. Whatever snack you want to go for though, make sure it’s not processed and drenched in artificial additives.
Drink better – If you want to go hardcore, I would suggest drinking more water and cut off sugary drinks completely. That also means you should forget the Starbucks drinks and diet sodas! H2O is the way to go!