Yes, it’s gross, but everyone has unwanted body hair. Even though no one talks about it, it’s still a nuisance to most of us. Well, hair removal is a process and it needs to be timed well. There are also various ways to deal with unwanted hair, and we’re going to give you pros and cons of some of these options:

Armpit hair – The armpit area is pretty sensitive, so it all boils down to how comfortable you feel with the hair removal method you choose. Many women shave off their armpit hair in the shower, but the results are not long-lasting and shaving the area constantly may agitate the skin, causing bumps, roughness and ingrown hairs.
If you don’t have that many hairs growing under your arms, you can pluck them with some tweezers. This takes up time and concentration, but you’d stay hair-free for longer. To speed up that process, you can also invest in an epilator.
Waxing works just as well, but it would hurt more compared to epilating the hairs off. Finally, you can always stick with a depilatory cream but the smell would be a tad bit disturbing and the results don’t last very long.

Peach fuzz – Never, ever, shave the hair on your upper lip. In most instances, the hair would grow out more prominent and thick once it is shaved. You can obtain mini wax strips from the pharmacy to wax off the hairs completely. The skin on the upper lip is very sensitive, so waxing that area would hurt way more compared to waxing the leg area. Then again, it gets the job done fast and it is fuss-free.
If the growth of your peach fuzz isn’t rapid and you can’t take the pain, you can opt to bleach or dye the hairs. Certain brands have come up with mini dye kits specifically for the hairs on the upper lip, but this, of course, also depends on the colour of your skin tone.

Leg hair – Plucking your leg hair would take you hours, so that wouldn’t be an option. We recommend either waxing or epilating. Wax strips can get the job done quick, but wax strips can cost quite a bit of money, especially if you need to wax often. Again, we recommend getting an epilator as it is more cost-effective and would hurt less compared to waxing, even though it takes up a little more time.
Of course, you can use a depilatory cream but it’s messy, has an unpleasant smell and the results don’t last very long. Many people are also sensitive towards the harsh chemicals contained in depilatory creams and if you’re one of them, it would sting upon application. Hence, we don’t recommend it.

Hair along the bikini line – Let’s just put it at that, shall we? Some people prefer to shave it off in the shower, and that’s fine. You’d just have to make sure to trim the hairs down as short as possible before you do so.
This also brings us to our next point, which is trimming. Even if you don’t have time to do the whole shebang, always trim the hairs down to keep the area clean and polished. Do this with a beauty trimmer that’s only dedicated to the bikini line and make sure you don’t use it for any other purposes. This is done for hygienic reasons and to avoid unnecessary skin irritations.
Finally, you can wax the hairs off with some mini wax strips. The small surface area of the mini wax strips is ideal for the bikini line as it makes hair removal more thorough and accessible.
Whatever hair it is you’re dealing with, don’t forget to exfoliate the area at all times to keep ingrown hairs and dead skin at bay. Some people are more blessed than others in terms of unwanted body hair, but there’s always a way to deal with it. Fret not, girls!