It’s easy to catch the common flu and one of the many ways to avoid it is to keep everything as clean as you can. We are not saying to go all Cinderella on everything you have but there are some items that you may not clean as often as you should be.
The refrigerator handle
It doesn’t matter if it’s the one in your office or home, the fridge door handle gets touched a lot. There are also bits of food, which you cannot see but bacteria and viruses can feed off it and multiply. You should be wiping it down with a disinfectant at least once a week to keep it as hygienic as possible.
A laptop/computer that’s shared
If a lot of hands and fingers are touching anything then chances are that the very thing all these people are touching would germ central! A shared computer or laptop should be cleaned with a little towel with some alcohol-based liquid designed for cleaning electronics. All it takes is for you to touch the keyboard and touching your face after to contract something.
Remote controls
We are sure you have heard that remote controls in hotels are swarming with germs but the ones in your home are just as dirty. So, give it a good wipe down every week with some disinfectant wet wipes to avoid everyone catching germs of one another.
Your mobile phone
This is like the holy grail of them all. You place them in your bag, which is already crawling with other germs and you touch it after eating without washing your hands, so give it a clean with the same alcohol-based liquid that you would for a laptop or computer.