Emojis are great for expressing simple emotions, but they’re not very appropriate to use while sexting. Let’s face it – they just aren’t sexy enough.
Not to worry, though. Flirtmoji is here to change that for all you brave sexters out there!

Created by four designers in California, Flirtmoji are stickers of a sexual nature that can be copied and pasted into your messages. From handcuffs to condoms, and penises to breasts, you can find almost anything, including an assortment of sex toy stickers.

The designers also made sure that the Flirtmoji represented a spectrum of races, sexual orientations and sexual preferences.
Why didn’t anyone think of this sooner?!

Katy McCarthy, one of the designers of Flirtmoji, said, “My friends and I are not accurately represented in emoji, and it’s frustrating. And particularly with sex, we felt that it was so crucial that everyone feel sexually represented. We wanted to be able to show this to all of our friends and have them all feel comfortable.”
“We wanted them to be able pick their own body parts in the emoji — within the limits of size and colors. It’s not supposed to be college frat humour, although part of being inclusive is making it funny. It’s just not that hard to have everybody feel represented.”

McCarthy also pointed out that communication is key to a healthy sex life. She mentioned, “I think that whatever it takes for you to be able to communicate what you want or need, or what you don’t want and don’t need is fine. With other emoji, there’s definitely a time and a place.”
“I don’t want to be broken up with in emoji. But I think with sex there are things that are really hard to say and hard to ask for, and that’s such a beautiful window to be able to provide someone with language.”

Now, let the sexting games begin! 😀