A shoulder bag, a satchel, a tote. Our ladies, they love their bags. But not just any bag. It’s the bag that bears a particular name, trademark, signature, or pattern of a specific custom that can be recognized from almost a mile (or two) away. We’re talking Coach, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, Fendi, you name it.
Amidst the global economic downturn, the popularity of designer bags are still at its optimum and it hasn’t stopped the rising sales of the carrier brands despite its continuously soaring and overwhelming prices. Most women don’t mind splurging on the cutthroat-priced bags because it possesses a durability that ensures that the bag can be used years and years from the date of purchase.
Yet, not all women can afford adorning a beautiful Birkin bag on the crook of her elbow. Not all women can afford to flaunt their status. But it’s a must want! A must have! Must need! Just, must! Oh, what are we, the average earners to do? Thankfully, there are some places that sell designers goods that are within your budget (without you having to resort to eating just bread and drinking water for the rest of the year).
Designer goods are always in demand despite the seasonal changes because they’re irreplaceable. Most bags are produced in limited quantity so, quite literally, you snooze, and you lose. And there’s never enough time for you to save up enough dosh to afford one. However, let’s not forget the fashionistas who have spent a lot of time catching up with the ever-changing seasonal products only to have left their bags from the previous seasons unused and unattended (like, “been there, done that”).
What happens to those bags? Well, some continue to sit in the back of the wardrobes whereas the rest gets sold as pre-loved items for just a fraction of the original price. Which means, oh finally here’s your chance to grab ‘em! And we know just the places that carry secondhand designer merchandise:
1. LuxOnU
2. Scoop
3. MyMilan Milan
All these wonderful, wonderful stores offer a fresh new retail experience because the (guaranteed 100% genuine) designer goods that they carry in their respective outlets promise you huge savings without having to compromise your dreams of owning irresistible pieces of luxury.
The best part of it all is, if you already have a designer bag that you’re willing to trade in for another, than the above are just the places you might want to visit as soon as possible! Who needs wish lists or letters to Santa?
Hurry, hurry. Go make your dream come true!