Ah, milk. The essence of all things sinful: chocolates, ice cream, cheese and cake. In fact did you know that according to Greek mythology, greek goddess Hera, wife to Zeus, spilled her breast milk after refusing to feed Hercules resulting in the Milky Way. Well if you and little Hercules might have something in common if you’re lactose intolerant. Signs that indicate that you may be lactose intolerant is if you feel bloated, throw up or have cramps in your abdomen after drinking milk or eating dairy products. Yes, your “teh ais” also counts.
Being lactose intolerant doesn’t mean you’re allergic to milk but a substance called lactose which actually the major sugar found in milk. Because your body lacks the lactase enzyme, it is unable to break down lactase and the effects usually occur between 30 minutes to two hours after dairy is consumed.
There are actually plenty of dairy alternatives out there in the market for those suffering from lactose intolerance and they’re no less delicious. For instance, you can actually still consume aged cheese because the aging process has broken down the lactose and goats or sheep milk actually contain lower amounts of lactose. Try fermented dairy products such as yogurt and buttermilk or alternative sources of protein such as soya. For calcium, take more leafy vegetables, salmon and sardine.
While some may be more lactose intolerant and others, if you can’t resist dairy products, try consuming them with other non dairy products in small amounts. Otherwise look for lactose free products (usually stated on the product packaging). For people who really want to enjoy dairy products, you can actually opt to take lactase pills or drops before indulging in them. Remember that being lactose intolerant does not mean the end of the world, enjoy but in moderation and always look for alternative sources to replace nutrients required by your body.