Soda, hard candy and energy drinks are all high in sugar, which means they can sabotage the quality of your smile. Because sugar is a sticky carbohydrate, it allows bacteria to easily grab on to it and that of course produces acid. What happens after that? Well, your choppers won’t be as white because the enamel in your teeth starts to erode.
If you’re the kind of person that treats your body like it’s the Holy Grail then you probably keep away from food and drinks that’s filled with sugar. But just because you avoid junk, doesn’t mean your smile is safe – some of the healthiest foods that we eat everyday can also be detrimental.

Trust me, I know how great almonds are. These nuts are very high in vitamin E and fully stocked with healthy fats that will keep you satisfied for hours. They’re great to opt for when looking for a healthy snack but they are also really hard, which is why they’re not necessarily great for your teeth. When you bite the almonds, you can risk your teeth being fractured. Why not go for sliced almonds instead of whole ones?

Pickled Foods
I know they make great sandwich toppers because they’re so flavourful, yet still low in calories. The reason they can be bad for your teeth is due to the very high acid content, which is because of the vinegar that it’s been soaked in. Most pickled food also contains sugar among other things that can cause cavity. If you can’t curb your pickled habit then simply have a slice of cheese after or chew on sugar-free gum, which contains xylitol. They will help neutralize most of the acid that comes from eating pickled foods.

Citrus Fruits
This means oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, tangerines and pomelos. Overdoing it on citrus fruit can hurt your choppers because if citrus is in constant contact with your teeth then it will lead to the softening and eroding of yoru enamel, which of course does not grow back. The solution is not to give up these refreshing fruits altogether but try downing a tall glass of water once you have finished snacking or drinking on citrus fruit.

Peanut Butter
Even though peanut butter is a ridiculously delicious, protein-rich snack, it is also very sticky, which makes it easier for you to get cavity because it stays in contact with your teeth for a lot longer than you would like it to. Try peanut butter brands that doesn’t contain added sugars as they will help it less than likely to cling to your teeth for longer.

While coffee is packed with antioxidants it can also stain your teeth better than a lot of foods out there and of course, the staining will also attract plaque build up. We are not saying give up coffee entirely but perhaps you should try iced coffee and drinking it through a straw as this avoids contact with your pearly whites. Try putting more milk into your coffee instead of sugar too!