For the longest time, everyone has been saying that nothing out there can rival Facebook but things might just change.
Say hi to Ello, an “anti-facebook” social media network with a social conscience. Rumours have been surfacing that this new social networking site might knock Mark Zuckerberg’s brainchild off the number one spot. But how true is this?

So everyone knows that Facebook has changed the way we do everything from talking to one another and consuming news. As of June this year, Facebook recorded 1.32 billion active monthly users. That’s gargantuan and it comes as no surprise that we can’t imagine something else taking over its omniscient presence in our lives.
However, two days ago something new and exciting called Ello got everyone talking. The Guardian reported that it’s “still crawling with bugs, isn’t out of beta testing, and it’s still taking off in starship headquarters.” A whopping “31,000 new users were asked to be beta testers at this week’s peak” and it has been reported since that the “Ello team had to shut down new invites to the site as they struggled to keep up”.

Dubbed the “anti-facebook”, Ello is the brainchild of Paul Budnitz. Although it’s been around for a while, the LGBTIQ community’s recent difficulty with Facebook’s “real-name” policy caused a shift to the site. If there’s one thing you need to know about Ello, it’s a network with a message and social conscience. Check out its impressive manifesto below:

Will you click on the “Request Invitation” button?