We speak to Lynda Chean of Pink Tattoos, a quirky and whimsical tattoo parlour located in the trendy neighbourhood of Bangsar. This year, Pink Tattoos is celebrating its fifth anniversary and what’s a party without some booze? Which is why Smirnoff Ice has jumped on the bandwagon (in this case it’s a super cute retro combi van) to be a part of Pink Tattoos’ fifth birthday, celebrating the parlour’s good efforts in making tattoos ‘Exclusively for Everyone’.

Hi Lynda, tell us what sparked your interest in tattoos?
I have always had an interest in tattoos even before I could get one. I guess it’s just the idea of adorning your body with something that will stay with you forever.
How did the idea of Pink Tattoos came about?
If you are referring to the name, my full name is Lynda Chean Moy Pink. Yup, that’s how it’s spelt. My dad thought it’d be amusing to let my then 6 year-old barbie-crazed sister name me. Also there is “ink” in “Pink”. Destiny, I guess?
If you could describe your artistic style in three words, what would they be?
Detailed, whimsical and antique-y.
Tell us more about your collaboration with Smirnoff.
Smirnoff makes awesome things happen so they are making the Pink Tattoos 5th anniversary happen for our friends, clients and family. We worked together to create some fun designs to turn into temporary tattoos and some of those designs will be turned into T-shirts.
Smirnoff Ice celebrates awesome moments. What is your idea of an awesome time?
Awesome can happen at anytime and anywhere. So for me it’s as long as I’m with my loved ones, we can make awesome happen anywhere!
How many tattoos do you have?
I have lost count. Let’s just say I have one big tattoo in progress all over my body.
What’s your advice for those who want to get their first tattoo?
Know what you want. Be sure that’s what you want. Find a good artist and trust him/her.
What’s the most unusual tattoo you’ve ever been asked to do?
I haven’t really done anything very unusual. For me, the quirkier the better!
How do you tell a customer their tattoo design is a bad idea?
I just tell them that it will not make a good tattoo but we will take their ideas and suggest how to make it into a piece that works.
What inspires you?
Everything. Inspiration comes from everywhere.
Who are some of your favorite tattoo artists?
Too many but I’ll mention a few off the top of my head – Kim Rense (Papanatos Tattoo, The Hague), Susanne Konig (Salon Serpent Amsterdam), Guen Douglas.
In conjunction with Pink Tattoos’ 5th anniversary celebration, Smirnoff Ice has some limited edition T-shirts that are up for grabs, designed specially by Pink Tattoos artists. Here’s what you have to do:
From 29 September till 1 October, contestants will have to spot the difference between a picture illustrated by Pink Tattoos as well as tell Smirnoff Ice why you want the T-shirt. The first 30 answers received by Wednesday 11:59pm will win the shirts.
Visit http://www.facebook.com/SmirnoffIceMY on 29 September for more details on the contest.