Everyone has a specific type of ex and some of us are lucky that we can experience a few amicable break-ups because they usually turn out pretty U-G-L-Y! Some exes, you just want to choke them the minute they walk into a room and others, you can’t help but laugh about the petty things you used to fight about.
No matter how your relationship ended, every single ex was unique in their own way. If you don’t have all that’s listed here, you’re bound to have at least one of them:

The One That You Kinda Miss – Your yearning for this ex just will not cease. You may be happily in love with another guy but this ex taught you all that you needed to know about what relationships. Even though things ended, this man taught you what it means to love and to be loved. There is no resentment here when you think back of the times you shared together. Only fondness and admiration. Learn from the mistakes you made with this guy, so the one you’re with will never become an ex.
The One You’re Still Friends With – You guys may or may not have a bad break-up but ultimately decided that being friends would be better than being together. Sometimes you hang out in groups and sometimes alone together. You get anything but jealous if they bring the person that they are dating to hang out and this seems strange to anyone that knows the two of you.
The One That You Wish You Could Erase – Oh, we all have this one. Whether it ended badly or it just ended, this is the ex that you avoid altogether. Depends on who wronged who, but the wounds will take time to heal with this one. You may not have bad blood with this one but not speaking to each other is just the better option.

The One That Left You – Not only did he break-up with you using the excuse of being “unable to commit to a long-term thing” but he also moved on pretty quickly to the next one and ended up marrying her. Some people heal faster than others, but this ex probably never cared for you in the first place so it’s a good thing the whole thing ended.
The One That Keeps Coming Back – No matter how many times you guys end it, and moved forward with someone else, it never seems to stick. The two of you just need to find the reason you keep breaking up for and eliminate it, so that you can stay together. Forever.