A woman was beat up by her husband as she tried to hand over a fasakh (marriage annulment) petition because he had refused to show up in court for their divorce proceedings.
She ended up with injuries on her face and jaw.
The woman was beaten up by her 43-year-old husband who was enraged when she tried to hand over the document at the Sandakan public market.
Her husband, who is a driver, slapped and punched her before warning her to stay out of trouble.
She quickly left the market, but the man followed her, kicking her from behind and causing more injuries.
Sandakan deputy OCPD Supt Fadzil Mohd Ali mentioned that the woman lodged a report and police arrested the husband.
He added that the victim was sent to the Duchess of Kent hospital for treatment.
Initial investigations showed that the couple had divorced outside of court in May 2013, and that the victim claimed she had already registered the case in court but the suspect refused to co-operate.