She says it like it is!

Gwyneth Paltrow made a surprise appearance at the Code Conference today and talked about everything from being a target of online criticism, the easy accessibility of porn, and what she really thinks about the Facebook execs.
“The Internet also allows us the opportunity to project outward our hatred, our jealousy. It’s culturally acceptable to be an anonymous commenter,” she said.
“It’s taken me a long time to get to the point where I can see these things and not take it as a personal affront and a hurt. I see myself as a chalkboard or a whiteboard or a screen, and someone is just putting up their own projection on it.”
The actress also shared how worried she is as a parent that her children may be subjected to haters, saying she thinks “about the effects of all this stuff, [my] kids having to read horrible things about themselves on whatever social media, and having access to porn that would even freak me out, which says a lot…just kidding.”
But aside from porn, her thoughts on Facebook really got the tech-savvy crowd reeling.
“Facebook actually started as a place to judge women on their pulchritude or lack of it. I think it’s kind of fascinating that a company that’s so huge and that would come to define much of the modern Internet was founded on this objectification of human beings,” Paltrow said.
The Oscar-winning actress then added that her biggest goal for her Goop employees is, “to be ourselves no matter what the reaction, to know that it’s OK to be at once irreverent and practical…And above all, to not give a f–k if the Facebook guys think we’re hot or not.”