Planning a road trip?

Whether you are driving across the country, or just down the road, it is always a smart idea to have some carefully selected tunes to make the trip go a little more smoothly. I mean, there is only so much local radio stations can provide you with. So, how do you pick? What songs would make the perfect playlist for your next road trip? Going through your parents’ CD collection, browsing through your friends’ iTunes libraries and revisiting high school mixtapes could just give you some brilliant ideas, but the task can get quite demoralising.
To help ease your travel stress and make your trip somewhat easier, here a few suggestions of must-haves that will work wonders on your next road trip.

1. “Fast Car” – Tracy Chapman
Now this song is not literally about a speedy cruiser; it’s a song about a couple working to build a better life together in a whole new place. It’s about wanting change and this song should be on your list because it gives you that feeling of wanting to get out on the road and run.

2. “Summertime Sadness” – Lana Del Rey (Cedric Gervais Remix)
Lana Del Rey’s hauntingly beautiful voice is a must on a road trip! Added with the pumped up beats by Cedric Gervais this version of “Summertime Sadness” makes for the perfect road trip song because you don’t only get to sing your lungs out, you also get to enjoy a more fast paced version of the song.

3. “Riding With The King” – B.B. King featuring Eric Clapton
You can never go wrong with the blues, especially when B.B. King is singing and Eric Clapton is featured on it.

4. “Crossroads” – John Mayer
John Mayer should be on everyone’s playlist, regardless the occasion. “Crossroads” should be on your list of songs for a road trip because of the lyrics and the beautiful notes that comes from Mayer’s guitar playing.

5. “Welcome To The Jungle” – Guns N’ Roses
Just the opening of this song alone is enough to get you pumping! Hit the open roads, blast this on your stereo and cruise away.

6. “Highway To Hell” – AC/DC
With the lyrics that go “No stop signs, speed limit. Nobody’s gonna slow me down” is reason enough to make this a must-have on your playlist for a road trip.

7. “Bohemian Rhapsody” – Queen
I don’t know about you but this song never fails to have me singing my lungs out. The catchy beats, lyrics and boldness of this song is brilliant for a road trip because it keeps you alert.

8. “Girlfriend” – Icona Pop
Everyone needs a little bit of pop music in their lives. Hit the road with your girlfriend(s), sing along to this track by Icona Pop and just go all out because really, all every girl needs in this life of sin is our girlfriend(s).

9. “Arabella” – Arctic Monkeys
“Arabella” is a great driving song. It reminds people of just driving with the windows down and the sun shining in. Good for a road trip no?

10. “Start Me Up” – The Rolling Stones
“Start Me Up” by The Rolling Stones is one song, every road trip needs. It’s a brilliant pick-me-up so whenever there’s a dull moment during the drive, pop this baby on and everything will be bright and shinny all over again.