If you could only choose one, would you choose chocolate or sex?
Apparently, people prefer chocolate in France. According to a new poll, French women said that eating chocolate can be even more pleasurable than doing the dirty.
Sure, there are a few things in life we love more than chocolate, but is it really better than bedroom action?
According to the 1,000-person survey, which asked French men and women about sex, food, pleasure, and happiness, chocolate might actually be more preferable compared to orgasms. Well, at least, it is for women.
Both men and women said that chocolate gave them the most pleasure out of all food. But when it came to ranking each item on a happy-inducing scale, women rated food higher than they rated sex, while men did the opposite.
Additionally, 23 percent of women said that food actually gave them more pleasure than sex – and chocolate topped that list.
In fact, 57 percent of women said they would cut down on sex before they’d cut down on food.
The results of this survey are surprising, to us at least. Come on, who would choose chocolate over sex?!