I guess it’s true when they say, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

When a 41-year-old man in Kepong refused to reconcile with his wife, he was scratched and beaten by his wife, reported Harian Metro. His 40-year-old wife reacted violently by hitting her partner with an electric insect swatter, injuring his body and hands.
Police sources told the daily that prior to the attack, the man had been alone in his room when the wife asked to speak to him about their marital problems. However, the man refused to open the door, giving the excuse that he was tired and had to wake up early the next morning for work.
Upon hearing this, the irate wife began banging on the room door, finally forcing the man to let her in.
“The woman then urged the husband to resolve their marital problems but he refused and went back to sleep,” said the source.
The wife, said the source, got furious and started yelling at her husband, sparking an argument.
The argument turned violent later when the wife took the insect swatter and hit the man repeatedly.