This girl will try help her dad any way she can.

First lady Michelle Obama met with the children of the White House employees for a question and answer session on Friday and while some children wanted to know about her favourite colour or food, there was one young girl, 10-year-old Charlotte Bell, wanted to know if Obama could help her dad out. Sweet little Bell walked to Michelle and handed her a piece of paper.
“My dad’s been out of a job for three years and I wanted to give you his resume,” she told Flotus.
“Oh my goodness,” Obama told her while giving her a sincere hug.
“Well, it’s a little private, but she’s doing something for her dad,” the first lady told others in the room before looking at the girl again. “Right? Got it!” she said, holding up the paper.
Bell was among a group of children whose parents worked for the Obama administration and she took part in the White House’s annual Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day.
According to Politico, Bell’s mother, an executive branch employee, explained that their family had joked over the weekend about making a job pitch to the first lady but they had no clue that Bell was going to give it a try.
Her father, Ben Bell, has been looking for a policy job for over two years and off late, he has been trying to get a job with the Obama administration. Ben worked on the Obama campaign in 2012.