Rocking 9 to 5!

What do you listen to at work? Adele seems to be a popular choice as Spotify has revealed that she is the most listened to artist in the workplace.
A research done by Spotify showed that two in three people (61%) listen to music in the workplace and 36% of people are more productive if they listen to music at work. Spotify partnered with global exper on music in the workplace, Dr Anneli Haake to conduct the research on April 24th.
Topping the list as most popular artist listened to at work was Adele, followed by Arctic Monkeys and Mumford & Sons who came in third. The research also showed that workers find that music help them get through the day and for some, music helped them be more creative at work.
Apart from that, the research also showed that the most popular genre of music in the workplace is pop/chart topping music followed by rock.
Here’s a playlist created by Spotify for you to enjoy at work: