Premiered on the 3rd of April in theatres near you, Sabotage is an action-packed thriller drama film directed by David Ayer and stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sam Worthington and Joe Manganiello alongside other notable cast members. In the movie, members of an elite DEA task force takes on the world’s deadliest drug cartels. When they successfully execute a high-stakes raid on a cartel safe house, their team members mysteriously start to get eliminated one by one. As the body count adds on, everyone is a suspect.
If you frequent the cinema for action movies a lot, you’d know that the infamous Schwarzenegger is a household name when it comes to these suspenseful flicks, so don’t miss out!
There’s also good news for all of you as we’ve got exclusive movie premiums to be given away to our readers:
4 x Limited Edition Sabotage T-shirt worth RM350
4 x Limited Edition Sabotage Document Bag worth RM380
4 x Limited Edition Sabotage Cap worth RM300
To stand a chance to win one of these prizes, just follow the steps below!
1) Share the link for this contest on your Facebook and Twitter pages, making sure you tag us at @lipstiqdotcom!
2) Answer this question – “Name three actors who starred in Sabotage.”
3) Email the answer, along with your personal details (name, IC number, phone number, links to your Facebook and Twitter pages) and T-shirt size to
This contest will end at 10pm on April 31st, 2014.
Terms & conditions:
-The decision by our judges is final, and the winners will be announced on our social media platforms.
-Winners will have to pick up the prizes at our Klang Valley office. We will not be posting out these prizes.
If you haven’t watched the movie, catch the trailer here: