Say NO to drugs.

The horrific effect that drugs can have on abusers and addicts have been highlighted in a series of disturbing pictures and a video. The photographs of American users of cocaine, heroin, oxy-codone and crystal meth in various stages of addiction. The before shots all show healthy-looking individuals before they became involved in substance abuse and the after shots show the same faces with horrible, blotchy skin, gaunt and hardened features, wrinkled skin and wild eyes making each individual look older than they actually are.
The campaign was launched by, the organisation that ran the very successful Faces of Meth Campaign in 2012, helps connect individuals who are battling addiction with rehab facilities and rehab centres that can extend support.

More Than Meth: The Faces Of Drug Arrests is the latest campaign by and it is aimed to show that drugs other than crystal meth also have a damaging impact on health and appearance. The photographs used in the campaign are mug shots of drug users, known only by their first names, at the times of various arrests, which in some cases span more than ten years.
The mug shots show the physical effects that drug abuse can have on a person’s body, including dramatic weight gain or weight loss, tooth decay, facial sores, abscesses, bloodshot eyes and the appearance of accelerated ageing. has an aim to raise awareness about what can stem from the more casual use of drugs.
“Use of these dangerous drugs can easily lead to addiction,” they wrote.