There are only two four letter words that are offensive to men: “don’t” and “stop”, unless they are used together. 😉

Just like women, men think equally just as much during coitus. In the presence of a naked woman, a man’s mind becomes pretty predictable. Here are ten thoughts that could have crossed your man’s mind at least once during the deed:

1. Was that an orgasm?
When your man hits orgasm, you know it — it’s a whole thing. Plus, they tend to be exhausted after they are done but when a woman reaches her orgasm, she can just keep on going like she is the Duracell bunny. Hence the confusion — men probably wonder if they should keep going or wrap it up.

2. Crap! I forgot to shower!
If you have ever caught a whiff of musky body odour during sex then it is most probably because your man forgot to take a rinse. Probably too tired or lazy at the time, it slips his mind when he gets distracted by sex.

3. Wow! These are perfect!
From a man’s perspective, the best breasts in the world are those that have recently been exposed solely for his enjoyment. If you happen to possess those breasts, just know that they are thoroughly impressed.

4. Play it cool, play it cool
Remember the scene in Ghost when Patrick Swayze seduces Demi Moore over a pottery wheel? The man makes no mistakes, not a single one! He is smooth from the first scene to the last and that is what all guys are aiming for. They want you to think that they are totally in charge and in control, even when they are not.

5. Where did she learn THAT?!
No man is going to complain if you pull out a brand new bedroom trick yourself — especially if you try something from their ultimate hot sex bucket list. That said, if it comes out of nowhere and if it is not something you have recently spoken about, he will definitely wonder where the inspiration came from but don’t worry, they are usually just happy to be part of the fun ride.