Remember Billie Jean? Yeah, we suggest you listen to it with a whole new perspective.

There’s a 99.9 chance that Brandon Howard is Michael Jackson’s 31-year-old illegitimate son…or at least that’s the claim after an alleged DNA test showed to be a match.
According to the test results obtained by Alki David and his company,, Brandon Howard could just very well be Michael’s son. David told an entertainment site that he got Michael’s dental impression from a Beverly Hills doctor that he bought at an auction. David claims that the 30 year old impression is filled with DNA.
Brandon, who goes by B Howard does resemble Michael in many ways — he looks and acts very much like the late King of Pop. Thought not present for the unveiling, David says he had Howard’s DNA and that it matched up. David also refused to reveal which lab performed the DNA test but insists that it showed a clear match.
Miki Howard, Brandon’s mom is a famous gospel singer who Michael knew. She went by the name Billy back in 1982 and interestingly enough, Michael released his single Billie Jean a year later. As everyone knows, the lyrics to that single goes “Billie Jean’s not my lover” and “The kid is not my son.”
B Howard however, is distancing himself from all this saying he has nothing to do with it.
What say you? Could this be Michael’s son?