Almost everyone loves the Oscar-winning actress, Jennifer Lawrence for her humour and honesty. But recently, she made an enemy and it is none other than The Fashion Police’s Joan Rivers. She slammed The Hunger Games star with her latest interview with PageSix saying, “My New Year’s resolution is [ensuring] Jennifer Lawrence grows up and realizes how lucky she is and calms down.”
It all started with the Q&A session between J-Law and Yahoo! Employees, whereby they were speaking about the pressure to stay thin and stylish. The 23-year-old star responded, “There are shows like ‘The Fashion Police’ that are just showing these generations of young people to judge people based on all the wrong values and that it’s OK to point at people and call them ugly or fat.”
Obviously, Joan Rivers got bitter over J-Law’s comments. She initially slammed Jennifer via Twitter:

J-Law had made it clear that “the media needs to take responsibility for the effect that it has on our younger generation,” and “it should be illegal to call someone fat on TV,” during her recent interview with Barbara Walters for ABC News Special.
Jennifer was fat-shamed earlier in her career and has vowed never to go on a diet for her roles. She said, “Somebody told me I was fat, that I was going to get fired if I didn’t lost a certain amount of weight. I was a little girl. I was hurt. If anybody even tries to whisper the word ‘diet,’ I’m like, ‘You can go f**k yourself’.” She also said that the photos for her Miss Dior campaign were photoshopped, “Of course it’s Photoshop! People don’t look like that.”
Even so, Joan Rivers seems to think that her campaign is nothing but an act. Joan said, “I love that she’s telling everyone how wrong it is to worry about retouching and body image, and meanwhile, she has been touched up more than a choir boy at the Vatican. Look at her posters. She doesn’t have a nose, she has two holes. She just has to learn, don’t talk if you’re doing it.”