Plenty of people don’t approve of their partners watching porn but one woman who discovered her boyfriend’s porn on his iPad decided that telling him off wasn’t good enough.
She scratched a message onto his iPad screen, leaving a permanent mark that will blur any images showing beneath it.
The message read: “The guy who owned this was 17. He had a gorgeous, sexy girlfriend yet he watched porn. One day his girlfriend found out the hard way.
“She felt so betrayed and inadequate that she experienced trauma, and to this day she doesn’t think she is good enough.”
A picture of the destroyed iPad was uploaded onto Reddit on Tuesday and it has become one of the most popular posts, with more than 5,000 comments received.
The best-ranked commentor highlights that the porn-watching culprit must have evaded the age restrictions on porn websites. It reads: “He was 17?? But he clicked “Yes, I am 18” on all those websites!”
Another Reddit-user claiming to be the owner of the iPad wrote a message with the back story.
He said: “iPad owner here, my ex gf did this awhile back. I forgot to clear my history and one day she took my iPad, went through the history, and after finding porn, she scratched that into it.
“We stayed together for quite some time after that, during which she cheated on me, this lead to our final break-up. I’m not really sure why I stayed with her so long after, but looking back I know it should have ended with this. I forgave her at the time and didn’t make her pay for it because I felt really guilty about it.”
Now, what would you do if you discovered that your boyfriend is watching porn?