None of us have gotten over the images of distraught and loss caused by Typhoon Haiyan. Based on reports by Reliefweb, the digital communication arm of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), the typhoon has already claimed an estimated 2500 lives and affected the lives of 11.3 million people, of which 670,000 thousand people have been displaced and an estimated 250,000 homes have been destroyed.
We wish to reach out to all our readers to play your role in humanity to share what you have with the people in need. Here, we’ve listed down numerous organizations who aim to help raise funds to help with emergency relief, food, medical aid,and the reconstruction of homes, schools and hospitals in the Philippines.
1.MERCY Malaysia Humanitarian Relief Fund
To donate, visit www.mercy.org, or www.seringgitsehari.org.my
2. Malaysian Red Crescent Society
To donate, visit www.redcrescent.org.my
3. Unicef Malaysia
To donate, visit www.helpunicef.my. Call 03-2092 5812 or 03-2095 9125 for more info.
4. Stop Hunger Now Malaysia
To donate, visit www.stophungernow.org
5. AirAsia Foundation: “To Philippines with Love”
To donate, visit www.airasiafoundation.com/typhoonhaiyan
6. Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN) with UNICEF
To donate, visit www.supportunicef.org/site/c.dvKUI9OWInJ6H/b.8856405/k.2FAD/Donate_now_for_the_Philippines.htm
7. World Vision Malaysia
To donate, visit www.worldvision.com.my/WaysToGive/Pages/MakeAGeneralDonation.aspx
8. The Nuffnang #NNForPH Fund
To donate, visit http://blog.nuffnang.com.my/2013/11/25/distribute-your-relief-for-typhoon-haiyan/
9. The Philippine Embassy of Malaysia