Every day, Sweetie would go online to speak to hundreds of men across the globe. This 10-year old Filipina girl logs onto her computer and men would look for her in the hopes that she will perform sexual acts for them via webcam.
But little do they know that Sweetie is not real. She is a computer avatar that was being used to track down paedophiles all over the globe that prey on young children. Webcam child sex tourism has become a trend for men in first-world countries to get children in poor countries to perform sexual acts for them online.
The Sweetie Project has been proven to be the most effective way yet to track down paedophiles with the record of 1,000 paedophiles that are willing to pay to perform such acts over 65 countries in just two months.
Terre des Hommes Netherlands raises awareness of the new form of child exploitation with their online campaign “Stop Webcam Child Sex Tourism” which shows how paedophiles can act and also how easy they are to be tracked down.
Working with Avaaz.org, Terre des Hommes created an online petition to pressure the government to adopt proactive investigation policies in order to protect children from this new form of child exploitation.
You can sign the petition through Avaaz or YouTube.
Here is a video that will show you how the 10-year old Filipina girl tracked down over 1,000 paedophiles in 2 months: