Whoever hoped of becoming part of one of the world’s leading internship programs with Condé Nast can bid those dreams farewell because the media conglomerate – who owns publications like Vogue, Vanity Fair and GQ – has terminated their internship program. It is learned that the discontinuation will begin in 2014.
The publication giant made the decision after two former interns claimed they were paid below the minimum wage during their summer internships at W and The New Yorker and filed a suit against them.
Condé Nast isn’t the only media company to face this similar suit. In fact, in February 2012, a former intern sued Hearst’s Harper’s Bazaar, claiming that the magazine violated minimum wage and overtime laws.
It is unclear how many interns Condé Nast has under its belt, but it is said that current interns will remain employed through the end of their terms.
On another note, it appears that the termination of Condé Nasts’ internship program has left the dreams of aspiring journalists. Check out some of these tweets:

Now that Condé Nast will bid farewell to their interns, who’s going to the bally lot of the job?