Sazzy is a TV host, actress, entrepreneur and joyful mother to a pair of twins, while Belinda – also an actress and a mother, is a proud mother to a 1-year-9-month-old girl. We had the chance to speak to Sazzy and Belinda about what they love doing with their kids and what their mothers taught them about being a mother.
Q. The best advice about motherhood comes often comes from your mother. What’s the best advice your mother taught you about parenting?
Sazzy: One of the most important things my mom shares with me about parenting is how she raised the three of us – my sister, my brother and myself. She will always emphasize how different the three of us are and can’t expect to raise all three kids the same way, because everyone’s different. So, I have twins and although they were both born on the same time and same day, they’re still both very different. My kids are two very different people – they have different ways of learning and different ways of approaching things, and you need to be okay with that. With that said, I’m not fixed on how they should be or should not be – I just enjoy how they are so different in terms of personality and action.
Belinda: My mom’s a working mother, and she imparted something upon me – you have to fulfill yourself as a good person first before you can be a good mom. So, that’s what I’m doing now – be a happier person first, and then be a good mom!
2. What are some of the things that your kids do that you really love and will probably miss the most as they grow up?
Sazzy: When they get very ‘manja‘ and attached! There are times when I can’t do anything around the house because they’re both clinging on to me. But then they’re never going to be like this when they’re 10; now they’re just these two chubby 2-year-olds that just want to be with their mommy, and I’m really going to appreciate that.
Belinda: For me, that would be hugs and kisses! With a girl, they may probably shun you when they’re teenagers, so I’ll definitely miss all the hugs and kisses.
3. With your busy schedules, the time you get to spend with your kids is truly precious. What are some of the activities do you do with your kids?
Sazzy: Reading, most of the time. But Iman loves solving puzzles and she loves it when I read her books. I do appreciate the iPad at times, but I’m still a big believer in books. Coloring too – I like doing something with my kids that’s hands-on because it requires a bit of skill. Apart from that, they also exercise with their dad in the morning while I prepare breakfast.
Belinda: We love singing together, and overtime I sing, she’ll follow-up with a little dance. It’s something that we love doing together right now. We do it so often so her dad doesn’t even know how to sing any of the songs she requests. But she’s also a daddy’s girl. Her dad works outstation often so whenever he’s back, she’ll always want him to carry her.
4. Any tips for young mothers about treasuring the time they have with their kids?
Sazzy: When you spend time with your kids, give them your 100% attention. It’s so easy to be in the same room with them and they’re doing their thing, but it’s so important to put down what you’re doing and to just engage with them. I think that when you interact and engage with your kids, especially at such a young age – they become better human beings. And when you give them that attention, they’ll be satisfied and do their own thing; so you get your free time back.
Belinda: Quality is better than quantity. Even if you don’t have the time to give your full attention, make it a point to spend even half an hour with your child. Whether it’s walking to the park together for a stroll, or even spending some quality time with your child at the mall. And because they grow up so fast, be in the present and make it a point to spend that time with your child!
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