Earlier today, we reported of the latest news surrounding president of North Korea Kim Jong-un having a daughter. Now, rumors are circulating that Kim Jong-un apparently ordered a public execution by firing square to his rumored ex-girlfriend, Hyon Song-wol.
According to online sources, the alleged execution was apparently due to Hyon creating a sex tape.
The rumored “sex tape” features a video cop of a three women dancing to a version of Elvis’ Aloha Oe in short sorts and cowboy hats. The “sex tape” is really not as risqué compared to some of the South Korean K-pop videos we’ve seen.

Hyon, was reportedly killed by a machine gun fire in late August, amid the claims that she’s been appearing in pornographic videos too. Twelve other singers, musicians and dancers from two pop groups are said to have been executed on August 20 as well.
Without facing trial, Hyon and the other members of North Korea’s pop groups marched in front of a firing squad and gunned down as their families and other members of the groups were ordered to watch.

Recently, a user on China’s video-sharing website YouKu uploaded the video of the dancing trip and allegedly dubbed it the “sex tape”.
Watch it here: