It’s hard not too feel lonely when your partner is not spending every night with you because he’s out working late or out of state. But don’t mope too much because it could boost the fun in bedroom activities when you both meet again!
A new research from the UK reveals that people who work away from home at least one night a month have a much hotter sex life than those ordinary couples who sleep together every night.
After surveying up to 2,007 couples, “67 percent among the couples get frisky the night before one of them leaves on business and again when they get back”; “54 percent of the couple were turned-on after being torn away from their lover.”
“25 percent of them admitted that they have more energy after a night in bed alone“; while “eight out of 10 workers are more likely to get it on.”
So, take the test, and if you find that same thing happens to you, drop us some comments!