Nic Shake was born to a Malay father and a French mother in Paris while being raised in Los Angeles for most of his 31 years. With a history which would naturally make anyone cultured, Nic first got into entertainment arts at the age of 14 while he attended Beverly Hills High School. This, however, was for acting. He then furthered his passion for acting when he attended The Lee Strasberg Theater and Film Institute of Los Angeles. Following collaborating with his twin brother, Amaro, on a series of short films, Nic spent time producing and directing in Paris. Now, he has returned to Malaysia for his break into the music industry with his debut single ‘Ready To Go’. Let’s see what he’s all about!
Image: Nic Shake’s Facebook Page
When would you say you realised music was what you really wanted to do in life? Was there a specific turning point?
I got into writing music through my co-writer and producer Seth Freeman about 5 years ago. He is a singer songwriter from Los Angeles. At the time I was living in LA working as an actor, I had just completed a short film and Seth was doing the score. It was a 70s retro rock vibe. I gave him my ideas and we became close friends until today. He kinda pushed me over the edge. He was like, “we should write a song together.” And that was the turning point we wrote our first song, and then Seth says, “ You should sing it!” And here we are now with a whole album.
Who, to you, is the most inspirational artist out there at the moment?
I gotta say that The Black Keys are such an awesome band. Their music is what I would love to be able to accomplish one day. They have a style all their own, which is reminiscent of the rock bands that I love like Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple mixed with what’s hype and current. So I definitely look up to them.
Image: Nic Shake’s Facebook Page
What or who inspired your first single ‘Ready To Go’?
“Ready To Go” is a very personal song for me. I wrote the song right as I was moving from LA to Paris. At the time I was in a relationship and things weren’t going so well. So it manifested into feelings and then lyrics that came out into “Ready To Go”. I asked myself does this person love me, need me or even want me. The only sure answer I had was I was ready hence the title. It came out organically, didn’t have to question what was going on really. The relationship ended a year after and that’s when the song really made sense.
Do you feel privileged to have a father [Dato Shake] who was in the industry you are now breaking into or just plain intimidated to live up to the name?!
I am very privileged to have grown up watching how my father’s career has evolved over the years. He has maintained a humility that I can only aspire to attain. I don’t really feel intimidated but I definitely want to contribute to the Shake legacy to the best of my abilities. We are two very different types of artists, but I’d like to think we share the same work ethic. My father is meticulous and methodical in how he creates music, down to every detail. If I only have half the career he’s had I’d be more than fortunate.
Image: Nic Shake’s Facebook Page
What were your expectations from releasing ‘Ready To Go’?
I just want to share my experiences. Anyone can relate to questioning love and relationships. Things don’t always work out and if this song can help someone understand that they are not the only one who’s gone through this than I have accomplished what I set out to do with this record.
What is a stand-out track from your childhood that you grew up listening to?
“Yesterday” by The Beatles is probably the song that has resonated with me since I first heard it in grade school. It’s been with me all my life playing in the background. It was the first song I ever sang live in singing class. I feel quite attached to it as if it belongs to me somehow. I even made a music video for fun. I can’t really explain it but even though the song is melancholic it makes so much sense and sooths me somehow.
Check out ‘Ready To Go’ here: