Want your head cloned and pasted on the head of a smokin’ hot Barbie Doll? While superstars like Lady Gaga can afford that luxury, you don’t actually need to earn a million dollars each month, or be a popular award-winning actor for that.
Introducing the Clone Factory in Akihabara, Japan. A factory that’s swarming with visitors who literally want a piece of themselves. Using a conbination of SLR’s, 3D rendering, plaster moulds plus a fee of US$1300, you can get a miniature clone of yourself. Danny Choo of Culture Japan shared his experience and reveals behind-the-scenes imagery of the clone factory.
Image: dannychoo.com
Several SLR’s cameras are set up in different angles. All you have to do is just sit on the chair and all the cameras do the work. Images from each camera will conbined together into a 3D mode through a computer software. The Mayans once said that one’s soul can be seen exiting the body via the mouth. The factory has the device called the SEU95 (Soul Expulsion Unit) that temporarily expels the soul outside the body for 0.955756 seconds. Yes, it sounds insane, yet we can’t quite decipher how that works.
Image: dannychoo.com
Once the 3D data is prepared, the image will be sent to the ZPrinter 650 to print out the clone. There is a tray of plaster where the cloning process will take place and multi layers of ink are used to harden the plaster. The staff will take the clone to another machine to remove excess plaster. The clone is done after applying a top coat and it will be then left to dry.
Image: dannychoo.com
The Clone factory also has Digital Wax 3D printing services if you’re looking for better and smoother surface. The picture belows is Danny Choo’s Star Wars clone doll. Cute, right?
Image: dannychoo.com