No matter what kind of skin type you have, pores will probably be the common skin trouble everyone will have to deal with. Pores are tiny hair follicles in the skin and they appear larger when they’re clogged with dirt or oil. They can also expand when the number of dead skin cells accumulate at the base of the poor. Proper care is needed to keep your pores clear and that includes cleansing and exfoliating. If you don’t take these steps seriously, it can lead to white heads and blackheads, or worse – acne.
Here are some simple tricks to clean those pores to give you clear and beautiful skin.
1. Never Sleep with Makeup On
This rule does not only apply to the dirt and mess you’ll leave on your face, but it can get pushed deep into your pores especially when you start tossing and turning in bed. Use a moisturizing cleansing oil to remove the makeup around your eyes and cleanse your skin by incorporating a 30-minute cleansing massage with your face wash.
2. Exfoliate It
Blackheads are never nice to look at, especially when you’re trying to conceal it with your makeup. Gently exfoliate trouble areas of your face to remove the clogs in your pores. Exfoliating can remove the dry skin that causes the blockage in your pores, so scrub away!
3. Play with Clay
Clay masks do a great job at removing any dirt or residue that’s clogging your pores. A clay mask can pull the dirt and oil to the surface, which makes it easier for you to remove the impurities hiding in your pores.
4. Get Baked
No, not literally get baked. Baking soda will be your best friend if you suffer from blackheads or clogged pores. It helps remove the build-up of dead skin cells and dirt from the surface of your face, and it’ll help clean out your pores. Scoop two tablespoons of baking soda and combine it with some warm water to make a paste. Apply it on to your skin and massage for less than a minute and rinse thoroughly. Repeat this every night for a week and you’ll see why it’s your best friend.
5. Use Oil Absorbers
Oil-absorbing paper is great to carry in your purse wherever you go. Soak up the excess dirt and oil on your face with these sheets instead of having to reapply powder on your face, which leads to more congestion and breakouts too.