1. Organic Food
Organic food can be good for you, especially since they do not contain pesticides that could potentially harm your immune system and even cause horrible diseases, even cancer! However, organic food won’t confirm that you’ll be spared of these diseases, but because organic produce are grown without pesticides, you’re more likely to harbor bacteria and you guessed it – pests! Another tip would be to remember that organic food will not make you lose weight. Organic Food: Health or Hype?
2. Banning Eggs From Your Diet
Eggs are absolutely important! We spend so much time talking about super-foods like tofu and avocado for protein that we forget the most brilliant thing to ever come out of a chicken’s butt. Not literally, but you get what we’re saying. Eggs are rich in protein that can will keep you full for hours, so it’ll be a bad idea to cut them out. Furthermore, they reduce the risk of getting cancer and they contribute to healthy skin! The Health Benefits of Eggs
3. Shopping
Shopping is without a doubt the favorite past-time of every woman. But it’s a no-brainer than going overboard on shopping can lead you into some serious debt. Even if you enjoy window-shopping, that itself will tempt you to buy something – which you do not want. So, find other affordable or free past-times to keep yourself entertained.
4. Makeup
Never go overboard with your makeup. On top of eventually looking like a clown, you don’t want people to tell you how noticeable you look without any makeup. No, no, no. Use makeup on special occasions, and keep your makeup to a minimal when you’ve got pimples breaking out. You don’t want your zit looking like a little biscuit popping out of your face.
5. Being Trendy
A lot of us yearn to establish our own sense of style but really, we don’t live in the world of The Sartorialist. The world may be your runway, but no one’s going to notice if you’re wearing last season’s accessories. They will however, notice holes in your pants or clothes. So, give your wardrobe an upgrade if your ripped jeans look like Edward Scissorhands got too carried away with it. 10 Ways to Establish Your Signature Style
6. Your Hours at the Gym
Ah, the gym! Every fit-freak’s safe zone, every fat girl’s idea of hell and judgmental eyes. It’s fine if you want to keep fit. Hey, we do not discourage anyone who yearns to keep fit, but when someone asks you out for dinner, never use the gym as an excuse or whine about how your this dinner will affect your gym hours.