Five high school students from Tolitoli, Indonesia were expelled from school and will face time in juvenile detention for “tainting religion” in a video they recorded.
The girls were trying to kill time between an hours-long break from class, when they decided to record a video of themselves performing the Solat prayer movement to the music of Maroon 5’s “One More Night”.
According to the headmaster of the school, Muallimin, the activity was recorded with a mobile phone of one of the students and they forced another student to hold the phone for a duration of five to six hours.
The students were expelled from school and were forbiddden from taking last week’s high school national exam, which makes up 60% of their final grade to graduate from high school. The expulsion was approved by the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Tolitoli branch head, local Youth and Sports Agency, Tolitoli Religious Affairs Ministry and the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).
Tolitoli police chief of detectives, Adj. Comr. Alhajat said the five students were charged with blasphemy against religion under article 156 of the Criminal Code. However, they have not been detained because they are children.
The school was made aware of the video when a man told his wife, a teacher at the school, that he say people watching the video at a market. She later reported the case to the school.
Check out the video here:

Source: IndoBoom, The Jakarta Globe