On the 10 October 2010, many couples got married and many children were born, but what makes this baby born on the special date exceptional? Well, because little Cearra has an older sister and a brother, both born on 8/8/08 and 9/9/09 respectively. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Soper describe Cearra as a “little miracle” because they weren’t planning for her birth date, they were not even hope for it and were very surprised when Cearra decided to see the world almost a month prematurely. Alright so there are people who perform caesarian so they can give birth at a specific date, but what are the odds of Mrs. Soper getting pregnant on time for the delivery of her 3 children? According to statians, such pattern of births occurs only in the first 12 years of a century and “given that the first birth occurred in that window, the probability is not as astronomical as you might think,” said Philip Stark, professor at the University of California, Berkeley. As for whether they’re planning a fourth child, Mr. and Mrs. Soper said they’re not aiming for one. Who knows, it would be interesting if they have another child on 11 November 2011.
(Source: Mail Online)