Fashion brand, Debenhams is opening doors for a new wave in fashion. Being the first store in Britain to produce plus size mannequins, ban airbrushing from campaign images and and use disabled models in their photoshoots.
The brand today now takes their campaign against body image tyranny further with a campaign thats rich in diversity. Instead of thin, youthful models, Debenham’s new campaign now features an amputee, three models over 40, a Paralympian athlete, and even a 70-year-old model.
A petite woman at only five foot tall, Paralympian amputee, Stefanie Reid wears adorable vintage-inspired dresses, and a then there’s a size 18 model in swimwear to help women understand their curves. Then there’s Philomena, who hopes to become the first black plus size supermodel, and Jada Sezer, who is the face of Plus Size Fashion Week.
Ed Watson, Director of PR at Debenhams is aware that the brand’s customers are not the same shape or size, so the latest look book celebrates this diversity. “We would be delighted if others followed our lead. Hopefully these shots will be a step, albeit a small one, towards more people feeling more comfortable about their bodies”, he continued.
Looking at the campaign images, it’s great to see how fashion doesn’t define a size, but simply how beauty shines through no matter what you look like. Well done, Debenhams!
Check out the gallery:
Sources: Daily Mail