In this day and age, this search for the ‘perfect man’ is inevitable. Every woman is seeking her prince charming, and on their way to doing so – they are complaining about how they have yet to find him. But the real question is why? Why is it so hard for women these days to find their significant other? Our social media platforms are bursting from laments of singletons, and the hashatg ‘#ForeverAlone’ is seen quite frequently on Twitter.
It’s as simple as dreams, dreams, dreams. Every woman dreams of having a knight and shinning armor. That romantic guy who will go to the ends of the world for you, the man who will support you on everything you do and to top it off, he probably has to look like Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp… right?
Here are the ‘basic’ questions a woman asks herself when she spots a guy:
1. Is he good looking enough?
They say you shouldn’t judge a book from it’s cover – but in fact, it’s not true at all. Everyone judges from the cover. Everyone knows its about the looks first THEN only the personality comes in.
2. Does he have enough money?
His wallet is something that does matter to some woman. Can they support me? Can they shower me with gifts?…. and the list continues. Especially after you’ve passed your twenties, you do judge a man by his wallet. If he’s ‘too poor’ to afford you – you know you want be happy (or at least that’s what you tell yourself)… But is that really true?
3. What if he’s younger than me?
Does age really matter? To some woman, it does. When a man is younger than the woman it is dubbed as ‘not right’… Because the stereotype of it all is that the man should be older, and he should be supporting the woman. Where as when the woman is older… the stereotype changes.
4. Will he treat me right?
Well, that’s what is absolutely wrong with the whole search of finding a significant other. If you keep your eyes peeled on gold, you’re going to miss out on the actual good guys that have been swaying your way.
Comments like, “he’s too poor for me” or “he’s too short for me” – that really isn’t going to get you anymore. Judging a guy on every little detail is not going to help you – it’s just going to be harder for you to find someone. Truth be told, everyone has a flaw. Even you. So, do you think it’s fair for a woman to judge a man on the size of his wallet (or his junk even) or the fact that he doesn’t look like a replica of Brad Pitt?
Let’s face it ladies, put those standards down and perhaps it will be easier for find a significant other that will hold you more deearly than you can imagine.