A lot of people are getting into the trend of working from home these days. A few more employers are beginning to be more open to allowing their employees to work from and have even reported an increase in productivity. But while not every job out there would be as flexible as some positions, these are some of the many perks of being able to work from the comfort of your own home.
1. You Can Work in Your Pyjamas
Yes, we’re serious. You can pretty much work in just about anything that’s comfortable for you. And we won’t blame you for writing that status report on the company’s expenses in bunny slippers. We just won’t!
2. You Save on Fuel
Let’s face it. Fuel prices aren’t really going to go down anytime soon, and working from home gives you the added advantage of saving up a whole lot of money on fuel.
3. You Won’t Have to Brave Traffic
We all dread spending up to 2 hours in the car each to get to work and back. Working from home or remotely let’s avoid those pesky areas with dreadfully long traffic lights and heavy traffic.
4. You Help Save the Environment
This little perk balances out the last two perks as well. Think about it – the less time you spend in your car, you definitely help the environment more by cutting down the emission of greenhouse gases into the air.
5. There’s No Need to ‘Clock-in’
A lot of companies practice the strict time policy for a good reason. And while it does in fact help you work on your punctuality, it can still be quite a pain when they implement a policy about cutting your day’s pay worth in half if you come in after 10am.
6. No Peer Pressure
Believe it or not, no matter just how much you’re your person in the workplace, you’re bound to result to a little peer pressure. Take lunch for example – Your colleagues want fried chicken, and you’re trying your level best to stick to clean foods, but because you don’t want to spend lunch alone, you follow your work mates out anyways. Working at home lets you eat anything your want, whenever you want.