What is A Yeast Infection?
Yeast infections are caused by an infection in the vagina caused by a fungus or yeast known as Candida. Just because of have yeast, doesn’t mean you it’s bad. At least 20 to 50% of healthy women normally carry yeast in the vaginal area.
What Are The Symptoms?
Some of the most common symptoms of a yeast infection is the intense itching and burning sensation around the vagina and vulvar areas. The vulvar area would also swell up, and it would hurt during urination. The vaginal area would also be stricken with a very pungent odor. There would also be some lumpy vaginal discharge, and it could either be white, yellow or green. Yellow and green could mean that the infection is slightly critical and will require immediate treatment.
Why Does It Happen?
Although sexually transmitted diseases (STD) can cause yeast infections, but these infections are generally caused by chemical irritants, contraceptive products, vaginal douching and even toilet paper. A diet consisting of high amounts of sugar, carbohydrates and yeast are also a main cause of candida as they feed on sugar.
Menopause can also cause yeast infections due to to fluctuations in estrogen levels. Studies too have linked psychological stress and vaginal yeast infections too, as stress is bound to effect the immune system, increasing the chances of a yeast infection.
What Are The Remedies?
There are a variety of remedies for yeast infections. A doctor will prescribe an oral anti-fungal pill, or one where you would have to insert into your vagina. Rest is crucial, as the pill will cleanse and discharge the yeast.
Natural methods of healing include inserting a peeled garlic clove into your vagina (as you would with a tampon). Garlic has both natural anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, and although it will burn a slight burn upon insertion, it will in fact give you more relief. Alternatively, you can start taking a recommended dose of garlic tablets orally to help aid the infection.
Yogurt is also great as it is rich in good bacteria like probiotics and live cultures. You can choose to cleanse your vaginal area with yogurt, or consume them as often as you can. However, make sure to opt for sugar-free ones as sugar feeds the infection.