A lot of people feel that peanut butter is just as bad as having toast with full-fat butter. It does have the word ‘butter’ after all, but if you thought that peanut butter was bad for you, you’re wrong. Peanut butter can be healthy if you shop smart, especially ones with low sugar or added oils, and most of all, if you consume your peanut butter in moderation.
If that did not convince you enough, here are some important health benefits of peanut butter.
High in Protein
Did you know that 24% of a jar of peanut butter is made up of protein? Protein is required to help keep the body strong, especially when it comes to build and repair muscle tissue. Peanut butter was known to be a protein substitute for meat in the early days, and the content of protein in peanut butter is relatively high – two tablespoons of peanut butter contains up to 7 grams of protein, which makes peanut butter a great choice of protein in a quick snack. (Source)

Contains Good Fats
People often mistake peanut butter for being unhealthy due to its fat content, but the truth is that the fat in most peanut butter brands are monounsaturated. Monounsaturated fat reduces the bad levels of cholesterol in your blood, while giving your body enough nutrients to lower your risk of heart disease.
So, if you’re hoping for a snack that will keep your sweet tooth satisfied, a teaspoon or two of peanut butter might do the trick without having to pack on any extra pounds. (Source)
Great Source of Vitamins and Minerals
Peanut butter is a great source of Vitamins E and B6, iron, folate, calcium, and most of Niacin, which plays an important role in the secretion of sexual hormones, and is reported to give protection against Alzheimer’s disease. (Source)

High Fiber Content
The human body requires fiber to regulate the digestive system in order to promote healthy internal organs, and it’s also known to keep your stomach feeling full in between meals. The content of protein and fiber in peanut butter can also benefit your blood sugar control, especially if you have diabetes as having peanut butter in your diet can stabilize sugar levels in your blood. (Source)
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