Let’s face it, everyone today’s got a nifty smartphone with endless possibilities when it comes to utilities and fun. So, we’ve looked around, looking for the most functional apps out there to help you get back into your favorite past-times like reading, or to help with a spark of inspiration!

1. Pinterest
Inspired by the feminine art of creating inspirational pin-boards, Pinterest is the best app to keep you on inspired while you’re on the go. With a variety of images from food recipes, interior, style, make-up to crafts and fitness, you’ll surely be entertained and there’ll never be a dull moment, especially when you need some ideas. This is also comes highly recommend for girls who plan to keep a virtual wedding scrapbook!
2. Wikipedia
A smart girl, is a sexy girl! And a lot of us depend on Wikipedia to look up historical figures or even some facts we don’t really know about. So, get the Wikipedia app on your iPhone and prepare to impress the world with just a swipe on the touch screen!
3. Evernote
Note-taking is a lifelong habit that will never die, no matter what age, or the millenium you live in. Evernote takes note-taking to a new level, where you can choose to type your notes down, take pictures or make voice recordings, and then synchronise it into your Mac or Windows desktop. If you’re a student or basically have a hard time taking things down, Evernote is the way to go!

4. Instagram
Let’s face it. The whole world’s practically on Instagram – foodies, bloggers, photographers, musicians, designers, and even your little 10 year old cousin! Instagram is a photo-editing social app that lets you upload your pictures in various effects, giving it a vintage and retro feel. The social part of it comes with the likes you have, and sharing them on your Facebook account, Twitter and Tumblr.
5. WhatsApp
What’sApp is the perfect way to save your money on text messages. Simply get all your friends to download the app, and you can spend the night away chatting without paying for that pesky rate per SMS.
6. Stereomood
If you like having a soundtrack when it comes to doing everything, like chores, exercising, or even staring out of the window while it rains, 8Tracks’ got you covered. Serving as a platform for the public to upload their current “jams” or music mixes, simply turn it on, type in your mood or what you’re doing, and let the a compilation of melodies keep you company.

7. Kindle
So you can’t really afford an e-book reader, but still aim to maintain a green and sustainable lifestyle. Well, you can still do that by downloading the Kindle app into your iPhone or Android, and you can read your favorite books, whenever, wherever!