BOO! Halloween is just around the corner – and we’ve helping you find the look that you want. Whether it’s a vampire or a zombie theme – we’ve looked up for some of the most interesting and easy-to-do make up tutorials by some of YouTubes famous make up artists. Here are five different looks that will be perfect for this Halloween season!
1. The Black Swan by Michelle Phan
This is a look that is pretty popular for Halloween – since the movie Black Swan came out, the iconic evil eyes have become a Halloween trend. Here’s a quick and simple way for you to acheive that look – it’s pretty in

2. The Dead Girl by xSparkage
If you’re feeling a little lazy this Halloween season – then maybe you should try this out. Playing the ‘dead girl’ is easy and the make up takes up to 5 minutes only! Pretty neat for such a simple and easy look – plus, pair this make up with a ripped up t-shirt, and you’re all set to go!

3. Catwoman by MakeupGeekTV
Halloween isn’t always about bringing your ‘scary’ side – but it’s always a time where you can be as sexy as you want, and no one can judge you. A popular look for Halloween is catwomen – she’s fierce and sexy. Pretty good combination. Here’s a tutorial by MakeupGeekTV on how you can acheive that sexy catwomen look – in fact, just the make up alone would be enough to pull your look together. MEOW!

4. Skeleton by CosmeticsCharlotte72
How could you go on with Halloween and not have any skeletons? Well, here’s a do-able tutorial on getting that skeleton look. It may take effort – but there’s no need to be pro when it comes to getting this kind of look together. This is our personal favorite – we love it! All you need, a LOT of eyeliner and black eye-shadow and you’re ready to go!

5. Princess Jasmine by Michelle Phan
Everyone wants to be a princess at one point or another – here’s your chance. Whether it’s a Disney Princess or just a simple princess in general – here’s how you can look like Jasmine, the Princess from Aladin. The make up is simple and it can actually be worn on a daily basis – not just Halloween. We love how similar the resemblance can be.

There you have it – five different looks that you could try out this Halloween season. What do you plan to be? Halloween is just around the corner – so hurry and decide!