So you’re feeling a little demotivated after that big meeting with all the big guns in the company and they even evaluated your scores. Well, don’t let criticism get to you! You’ve still got your job, and after all, there’s always room for some change! Here’s six ways to climb that ladder to success, that will even make you a better employee!
1. Chart a Plan
Success starts with a little bit of planning. We’re not as lucky as characters in the movies where success happens overnight, so take an hour plan your life. Start with the things you want to achieve, new ways of approaching things, etc. Decorate and place it all on a big board in your room to remind you that these are the things you hope to plan. Think of it as a mood board, but take it with you by snapping a picture of it, and using it as a your screensaver on your cellphone!
2. Plan a Vacation
This might seem a little counterintuitive, but planning a trip will certainly give you a serious boost to doing your job right! Whether it’s a long journey across the continent, or a small weekend getaway with your friends, you’ll feel better before you go, and better even when you return! If your budget’s tight, check out the local places nearby and absorb whatever it has to offer.
3. Make a Pro-Con List
This pro-con list should be about you, and not work. Make a list of your good and bad qualities, and the good and bad things you’ve done this year. No, we don’t mean that binge-drinking episode you had after that stressful week. We mean the things the good things that earned you some praise or a thumbs down. List all of them down, and highlight the ones that need improvement, and the ones that need 200% more effort!
4. Set Realistic Milestones
With a huge list of plans and goals, we eventually get to a point where we feel it’s way too difficult to achieve, and so we isolate them, or even downgrade them to a level that’s “sufficient”. That’s not how things should get done, so instead of making a list of very difficult tasks, simplify them, or segregate them into different levels or stages of success, and that helps you navigate your way a little easier. As soon as you see that things are getting done, you’ll be motivated to keep going!
5. Walk It Off
When you’re in the office and you’re feeling a little stressed out, go outside and take a breather. A 5-minute walk outside will keep your heart-rate steady, whether you’re feeling sleepy or worked-up! So, put on those comfy shoes you have hiding under your desk, go outside and just let off that steam bubbling-up inside you.
6. Decorate Your Workspace
Most girls enjoy a desk, decked in vibrant Post-it notes and colorful images, and that really does help lighten the mood when working. So, if your desk is cluttered with a stacks of folders and reports, go to the stationary store and get some supplies to doll-up your desk! Nobody wants to start a day with mountains of scattered paper-work, so get that make that desk chic!
Have you done anything to succeed in the workplace? Share with us in our Forum.