Singer Christina Aguilera likes to go commando, as she revealed in an interview on ‘Chelsea Lately’. Christina said, “I don’t like to wear underwear. I like to be as free as possible at all times. It’s just who I am.” Apparently, she thinks being able to walk around without any panties on is empowering, and added, “It’s p–sy power!”

The singer doesn’t seem to be shy when it comes to talking or baring her body – on her upcoming album cover, Christina appears to be naked coming out of a lotus flower. According to her, the album cover is about being ‘raw, real and free.’
Well, all this talk about her body’s private parts doesn’t come as a surprise to us – after all, Christina Aguilera has been showing us that she embraces her sexuality since she transformed from the sweet ‘Genie in a bottle’ girl to ‘X-tina’!